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How Do We Take Care of Ourselves?

We've all heard it a million times - self-care is important. The call for self-care has almost become trite, especially in the midst of lives that can be overwhelming, hectic, and demanding. What does this actually mean for the people who are the givers, the caretakers, the leaders - those who are shouldering responsibilities that impact their families and communities?

This is the case for many of our clients at Inner Alchemy. Most wellness-related providers tend to attract distinct themes/trends among clients. One of our themes is GIVERS. We see how much you support, feel, hold, and nurture. It can be hard to find the time (or energy) to fulfill your own needs. But we believe that when you are well, those around you also benefit. Taking care of yourself helps the world.

I write this as a chronically over-extended person, myself. I know there are not set answers that work for everyone, at all stages of life or circumstances. Self-care can be many things and part of our creative process with living a life is figuring out what works for us, as we go - and helping each other figure it out. Small things can help. It can be talking to a friend, getting outside for a few minutes of fresh air, or laughing at a relatable meme. These things may not fill the cup all the way but they help us feel seen or tap into connection. They are small practices that tell the tender parts of ourselves that we matter. Most of us need a mix of big help and smaller, daily care. For many, one of the most helpful self-care things we can do is the practice of being kind to ourselves and adjusting our inner dialogue when it goes into self-critical mode. Part of that inner dialogue adjustment is understanding that we are deserving of care and support.

Ketamine-assisted therapy can be a great support and often will provide needed perspective shifts, boosts in resilience, and restoration that can last for weeks after the session. Additionally, we are working on adding other supportive services at Inner Alchemy, including Reiki and Sound Relaxation that can be options combined with KAP or as stand-alone supports. Community events are another priority at Inner Alchemy as simply being around other nice people can be so nourishing.

Our mission is simple yet profound: to restore well-being , knowing that your light touches the lives of many. When you are at peace, when your energy is restored, you radiate support and good things into the world around you. This is the ripple effect we believe in—a cycle of wellness that grows, expands, and uplifts. We are all part of that for each other.


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